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PS-LGEMV01 ‘Thunderchild’ Ground Effect Marine Vehicle.
(aka “Turba”, “Chugamuga”,”Toratora”m ‘Rumper-Car’)

“Depending on who you ask, the Turba’s either a two-man armored patrol boat, or an open-cabin light hovertank. It’s got the firepower of a pair or power armors, but is a lot easier to maintain.”

“-seeing one of those Harbor Police thug-tugs coming up the canal at me? I was running for the high ground when it came up off the water after me. I thought my Northern Gun powersuit would afford me enough protection against anything hovercycle-cops would be packing, but this thing was more like a light TANK. Three heavy machine guns opened up and sandblasted the back of my armor before I put an embankment between me and it, but then the rear turret on the thing started arcing grenades on top of me! Pinned me down long enough for me to miss hooking up with the rest of my squad at the locks! And I wasn’t the only one having trouble! Whole raid timing went to hell and we were forced to pull back. I got lucky; the water militia got too busy chopping up our Shadowboys to finish off a zooter like me, and I was able to hobble off to fight another day. But next time I take a raiding contract on a hickville? I want second and third wave intel; not initial impressions. Our employers missed the tradetowners had upgraded their defenses and we paid heavy for the balls-up. ”

“Steers like a walrus, punches like a tank, rams like a bull. I kid you not.”

The ‘Thunderchild’ is an unusual maritime vehicle that has been variously described as a ‘ground effect steam launch’, a ‘two man motor-torpedo craft’, a ‘light combat car’, and a ‘heavy hovercycle’, though none of them precisely describe the craft. The PS-LGEMV01 was designed in part by the same d-bee Dwarves who designed the G’Nasaw/Gnasher battleships and the derivative PS-BB-18 Connecticut Battleships
the LGEMV01 resembles a short, rather beamy steam launch made up to look like a turn of the century 1900’s armored warship(or very large model battleship) with a protruding lower bow, two turrets(one forward and one aft), armored fore and aft structures, and a trunk of antennaes and a cooling tower-stack in the center. The rather tubby main body conceals a protected powerplant, powerful air compressors, and concealed plenum chambers; the craft actually hovers above land and water on compressed air). The two man crew sit back to back, partially concealed behind armored paneling resembling a warship’s superstructure, though the mast and stack between them makes easy communication and access to each others’ stations rather problematic(most crews rely on intercom systems to talk to each other). The Dwarves’ newfound acquantaince with high-tech shows in the vehicle’s main armament; the two turrets are slaved to HUDs or neural links worn by the two-man crew. The co*ckpits are open, so crewmembers are advised to wear heavy body armor(though full conversion cyborgs love the Turba).
The Dwarven designers call the PS-LGEMV01 the ‘Turba’ after a large and aggressive tuna-like predator native to their original homeland, but the vehicle has been more commonly refered to as the ‘Thunderchild’, after a famous preRifts warship)though this has led to some confusion with a larger ‘Thunderchild’-class GMR gunship). As big as a cargo truck, the Turba lacks the agility of smaller hovercycles, but carries more armor and heavy weaponry to give its crew arguably the firepower of a Glitterboy(or several!) on the waves.
The Turba is typically used as a light coastal patrol vessel, harbor security, and as a picket craft.

Type: PS-LGEMV01 Turba
Class: Marine Hovercraft, Motor Torpedo Launch
Crew: Two; 1-2 passengers can squeeze in behind the main seats
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 300
Turrets(2) 60 each
Crew co*ckpits(2)* 60 each
Mast/Exhaust Stack 60

* The surrounding heavy coaming affords the crew partial cover; -5 to strike, even on an aimed shot.

Height: 7.6 ft
Width: 7 ft
Length: 19 ft
Weight: 5.6 tons
Cargo: 4 ftx4 ft compartment
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(650 mile range), Nuclear(w/5 year energy life) or TW Steam(w/ 100 PPE battery)
Speed:(Land) On flat and level ground, the Turba can make 75 MPH, hovering 1-2 ft off the ground, but it fairly wallows.
(Water) Can motor like a regular powercraft at 25 MPH. With hover systems on, it can race at 90 MPH over sea-state 1-3 conditions.
TW versions can increase speed 50% on a ley line.
Market Cost: 1,5 million credits for gas turbine liquid fuel, 2.8 million credits for nuclear, 3 million credits for TW.
Systems of Note:
*Radio----50 mile range
*IR/Normal Light Headlights
*Headlight---The emblazoned bowpiece has a high-intensity headlight in its center.
*Radar---5 mile range
Weapons Systems:
1) Gun Turrets(2, fore and aft)---Looking like miniature warship turrets on the foredeck and aft deck of the Thunderchild, these weapons mounts are slaved to optical targeting headsets or cyberoptic links. Some respectably heavy weapons can be mounted, giving the Thunderchild a serious bite against other small craft and even small warships.
a).50-caliber Heavy Machine Guns(x3)---Od-fashioned, but still hard-hitting,
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 7d6 SDC single shot, 4d6 x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst, 8d6x10 SDC per 20 rd burst, 1d4 MD per 40 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1d4 MD single shot, 5d6 MD per 40 rd burst.
(High Explosive)2d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d6 MD per 20 rd burst, 4d6 MD per 40 rd burst.
(PSX-2) 1d6 MD per rd, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst, 4d6x10 MD per 40 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard; rated at 6,000 rpm(or 1,500 rounds per melee)
Payload: 2,000-rd belt per gun
Cost: 8,000 credits per gun

b) 20mm Autocannon(x2)
Range:(20mm) 4,000 ft, 7,200 ft for the Model 2N
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD per shell
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
Airburst does 1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius(single shot)
(20mm PSX-1) 4d4 MD single rd
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
Airburst does 4d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 1,000 rd drum per gun
Cost: 40,000 credits. 50,000 credits for the Model 2N

c) PS-M136 Minigun(1)----A vicious gatling-style weapon that compensates for its relatively low damage per individual round with a high rate of fire and excellent long range. On the minus side, it also possesses a massive appetite for ammunition and can quickly burn through its ammo supply in short order.
Range: 10,000 ft
Damage:(SDC) 6d6 SDC single shot, 4d6 x10 SDC(1d4 MD) per 10 rd burst, 8d6x10 SDC per 20 rd burst, 1d4 MD per 40 rd burst.
(Ramjets) 1 MD single shot, 1d10 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d10 MD per 20 rd burst, 1d4x10 MD per 40 rd burst.
(High Explosive)2d6x10 SDC single shot, 1d6 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d6 MD per 20 rd burst, 4d6 MD per 40 rd burst.
(PSX-2) 1d4 MD per rd, 1d4x10 MD per 10 rd burst, 2d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst, 4d4x10 MD per 40 rd burst.
(Tracer) Every 11th round is a tracer, which gives a +1 to strike with bursts. However, the tracer stream also makes it that much easier for enemies to backtrace and locate the machine gunner.
Rate of Fire: Standard; rated at 6,000 rpm(or 1,500 rounds per melee)
Payload: 4,000-rd belt
Cost: 27,000 credits

d) *PS-862 AC Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon(1)---Paladin Steel knockoff of the TriaxTX-862FC
Range:10,000 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 3d6x10 MD six-round burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:800 rds, 400 rds per cannon
Bonuses:Independent laser and radar tracking system(range: 11,000 ft). +1 strike set on automatic against aerial attack, +2 strike fired by gunner
Cost: 500,000 credits

e) 40mm Automatic Grenade Launchers(x2)--Belt-fed grenade launchers.
Range:7,000 ft
Damage: (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to blast area of 12 ft
2d6x10 MD to blast area of 40 ft w/ 10-rd burst
(Armor Piercing) 1d4x10 MD to blast area of 3 ft
3d6x10 MD to blast area of 8 ft w/ 10-rd burst
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 250 rds per launcher
Cost: 50,000 credits

f) PS-L-CIWS Vulcan Chain Gun(aka “Button Gun”)---This installation, introduced on the Type 9 Weapons Carrier, then adapted as an air defense weapon option for the VW Camper Gunship, has been adapted for shipboard use as PS’s standard light maritime weapons system, but is often mounted on other vehciles as well. The system is a very compact and neat installation that takes up little space, and has been compared to the pre-Rifts Russian ADMG-630 30mm Gatling CIWS that saw extensive service aboard Russian warships. The PS-L-CIWS is often called the “Button Gun” because of its squat, flattened dome-like turret.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per 20 rd burst(can only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH, as an automated defense system linked to a radar/sensor system, the “Button Gun” has a +2 to strike, and four attacks per melee.
Payload: 4,000 rd drum(100 bursts)
Cost: 30,000 credits

g)PS-MMLR-14 Mini-Missile Launcher ---A knock-off of the Coalition’s CCT-M20 Missile Rifle, complete down to the light laser, but modified to take advantage of PS’s advancements in lighter weight composites and ceramics. Has the advantage of having a light laser for additional firepower. Can be mounted singly or in two-gun mounts.
Range:(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type(usually about 1 mile)
(Laser) 2,000 ft
Damage:(Mini-Missiles)Varies by Missile Type
(Laser) 2d6 MD per blast
Rate of Fire:(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1, 2, or 4
(Laser) ECHH
Payload:(Mini-Missiles)20 per launcher(10 per launch tube)
(Laser) Effectively Unlimited attached to an external generator, or 20 shots per standard E-clip/30 per long E-clip as backup.
Cost: 36,000 credits per launcher

h) 60mm Mass Driver Cannon---The old 60mm Snapfire artillery weapon.
Range:(Direct Fire Mode): 6,000 ft
(Artillery Mode) 2 .5 miles
Damage:(Direct Fire Mode) 3d6x10 MD, no blast radius
(Artillery Mode) Everything within the 30 ft blast radius takes 2D6x10 M.D. and has a 75% chance of being knocked flat.
Rate of Fire:(Direct Fire Mode) EGCHH
(Artillery Mode) Three times per melee
Payload: 50 rds
Bonuses/Penalties: +1 strike in direct fire mode. -2 to strike in Artillery mode.
Cost: 250,000 credits

I) Rail Gun(PS-RFRG30)(x2)---PS copy of the C-30R Rail Gun
Weight: 90 lbs
Range: 2 miles
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 6d6 MD per 30 rd burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 2,400 rd drum per cannon
Cost: 90,000 credits

j) 40mm Marine Grenade Launcher(x2)----Belt-fed version of the PSMAGL-40DMs ‘Dhunker’ . It effectively fires small depth charges.
Range: 2,000 ft. Grenade charges are typically fused effective to a depth of 120 ft.
Note: CANNOT operate underwater.
Damage: Frag rounds do 4d6 MD to a 12-foot radius.
AP rounds do 1d4x10 to a 3-foot blast radius,
High Explosive/Concussion rounds do 5d6 MD to a 32 -foot radius.
Plasma rounds do 1d4x10+10 to a 5-foot radius.

(Sonic) 3d6 MD per blast to an 16 ft blast radius, 1d6x10 SDC to another 20 ft beyond that, Does only 1d6 MD to a 6 ft radius in air
Sonic weapons do HALF damage through light ‘soft’ armors like MDC barding and padded armor(such as wetsuits).

(ElectroShock)--Unleashes a powerful electrical surge that stuns against a saving roll of 17 or less. Does 3d6 SDC to a 25 ft radius, and stuns for 1d4 minutes. Also has a 60% chance of temporarily knocking out unshielded bionics and cybernetics for 1d6 melees.

(Chemical) Varies by specific chemical used. Generally covers a 20 ft area, and persists for about 1d4 minutes before being broken up by water currents.
(Dye Pack) Dyes the water a bright color. Generally covers a 30 ft area, and persists for about 1d4 minutes before being broken up by water currents. May last longer if it coats solid objects passing through it.
(Floating Flare) Burns for 50 seconds floating on the water
(Screamer) Screamers are specialized one-use munitions that when fired, broadcast a massive burst of noise across all audio/sonic frequencies, with the intended effect of destroying acoustic target(sonar) locks, and allowing the sub/diver to escape opponents using sonar to detect or track them. -60% to track the sub via sonar while the Screamer is in effect, while sonar-guided weapons are -10 to strike .
Screamers also have the effect of stunning dolphins, whales, and other creatures using natural sonar and echo location. These creatures are disoriented/stunned for 1d4 melees.
A typical screamer will last 1d4 melees until it burns out or is destroyed.
Screamers can also be fused to ignite/activate anywhen up to a minute(4 melees) after deployment.
Effective radius of effect of the 40mm screamers is aproximately 2,500 ft

(MicroTorp)---Drops two micro-torpedoes into the water. Typically homing variety.

(TW TangleBomb)----Explodes into a twitching, twining, expanding mass of green-black unearthly vegetation with 25 MDC per 20 ft area(covers a 40 ft area). Has an effective Horror Factor of 14, and victims have to Dodge at 16 or better to avoid getting tangled up in its fronds/tentacles. Victims trapped in the weed are -1 to initiative, -2 to strike, -4 to parry, and -6 to dodge, and will have to inflict 25 MDC or more to move more than 10 ft. Unprotected beings take 3d6 SDC per melee of thrashing against the weed, from its thorns and whipping around; those in MDC armor(or who remain calm and don’t fight it) take no damage. Duration: Lasts up to 50 minutes

(TW Blackwater Bomb)---Covers a 50 ft area in ominous darkness, Effects identical to the Ocean Magic spell Black Water. Effects last 8 minutes.

Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 250 rds per launcher
Cost: 30,000 credits for the weapon, 60,000 for the pair.

k) PS-RL-210 Fragmentation Rocket Launcher(x2)( a copy of an imported Russian design). Note that PS has also been experimenting with an incendiary variant using a magnesium mixture.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6 single projectile, 1d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst/volley
at 3,500 ft, the rds go ‘grapeshot’, doing 3d6 MD(1 MD for a single shot) in a 12 ft wide area.
(Incendiary “Hot-Grape” Version)---Do an additional +2 MD per rd, and 1 MD of damage for 1d4 melees as the flare portion burns down.
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 1,000 rd drum
Cost: 100,000 credits for a singe weapon, 200,000 for the pair.

l) Pulse Lasers(x2)---Lasers; good clean photonic fun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 4d6 MD single shot, 1d6x10+10 MD triple pulse blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively unlimited if attached to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 65,000 credits

m) Pulse Laser Lances(x2)---Adapted from the Kittani Energy Lance; modest damage, but good range, and excellent accuracy.
Range: 6,000 ft in hi-mode, 3,000 ft in lo-mode
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot in hi-mode, 6d6 MD per blast in lo-mode
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively unlimited if attached to a nuclear powerplant.
Bonus: +2 to strike
Cost: 75,000 credits

n) L-Ion Cannon(x3)--A lightweight weapon derived from the ‘Beach Stormer’ power armor rifle. It does more damage, but more importantly, is small enough to be mounted as a light weapon, and coupled in twin mounts on light gun positions, or in batteries of four on large gun-mounts.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d6x10+10 MD per blast, 3d6x10+30 MD per triple blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload:200 shot battery. Effectively unlimited if attached to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost:230,000 credits

o) 45mm PS-HRG05 'Hellshot' Rail Cannons: (x1) An attempt to equal the power of the infamous "Boom Gun" carried by the Glitterboy, these fearsome handheld weapons fire a much larger heavy metal kinetic energy penetrator with a massive punch. Unfortunately, the engineers were unable to equal the Boom Gun's long range or build the projectiles any smaller, limiting the payload. They were originally issued as power armor hanndheld weaponry, but can also be vehicle-mounted with the advantage of larger attached magazines.
Range: 3,300 ft
Damage: 3D6x10 MD per projectile
Rate of Fire: Single shot ECHH; bursts are not possible
Payload: 20 shots per cannon
Market Cost: 120,000 credits per cannon(240,000 credits for the pair), 800 credits per penetrator round

p) Plasma Cannons(x2)-----Dual mounting of the old PPR-3 Serap’ Heavy Plasma Projector
Range:(Plasma Stream) 2,000 ft
(Plasma Bolt) 1,500 ft
Damage:(Plasma Stream) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Plasma Bolt) 1d4x10 MD to 8 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot, ECHH
Payload: 100 shot battery. Effectively unlimited if attached to a nuclear powerplant.
Cost: 80,000 credits per gun, 160,000 credits for the pair.
“Hot Shotting”---This systen augments the normal air-draw plasma re-mass system with deuterium-gas injected into the plasma flow for a cleaner, hotter, more potent ‘burn’. The deuterium is stored in pressurized cylinders attached to the feeds of the Serap, like a CO2 air rifle cartridge. This allows the plasma to do 50% more damage, but the weapon now has a bit of a recoil due to the more powerful plasma acting like a crude plasma drive(-1 to strike). HotShot modding costs 8,000 credits, and a recharged vehicle-grade cylinder of refined d-gas costs 1,400 credits( 900 credits if the user can return a depleted gas cylinder at the time of purchase) and is good for 60 shots.

q) Micro-Missile Launcher----A dual drum-roller mounting taken from the PSA-11.
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d4 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---3d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 3, 7, or 14
Payload: 63 (9 rows of 7 missiles each) per drum. 126 total!
Market Cost: 120,000 credits, (Pattern-1a) 120 credits per missile
(Pattern-1b) 150 credits per missile
(Pattern-1c)250 credits per missile

r) EMVC-09 ‘MagWind’ ElectroMagnetic Vortex Cannon(1)
Range: (EM Bolt) 4,000 ft
(Vortice) 3,000 ft
Damage: (EM Bolt) (Variable) 4d6 SD, 1d6x10 SD, or 5d6 MD per shot
(Vortice) Same as for the bolt at the point of impact, plus HALF damage in a 7 ft radius, and an 88% chance of knock-down(lose 1 APM and Initiative) for beings of 350 lbs or less, 65% chance of being stunned(-10 to strike, dodge, parry, and roll, NO Initiative, HALF speed and APMs for 1d4 melees).
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: Laser targeting add +1 to strike. EM bolts are -6 to dodge, on top of that!
Cost: 64,000 credits

s) Heavy TK Machine Guns(2)---Requires a TW powerplant.
Range: 8,000 ft(double on ley lines)
Damage: 2d4 MD single shot, 3d6 MD short(5 shot) burst, 5d6 MD long (10 shot) burst, 2d6x10 MD full melee (50 shot) burst.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited; powering spells must be re-cast every six months. 200 shot ‘back-up’ PPE clip
Cost: 200,000 credits

2)(Optional) Torpedo/Missile Hardpoints(2)---Two lateral mounting brackets can be used to hold expendable ordnance launchers.
a) Torpedoes---6 shot mini-torpedo pod, OR 2 light torpedoes, OR 1 medium or heavy torpedo per each side

b) Depth Charges--- 2 each side

c) Mini-Missiles----6 shot pod

d)Anti-Armor Missiles----3 shot launcher; Copperhead Anti-Tank Missile Pod---Uses PS ‘smart’ armor killers for more accurate fire.
Range: 1 mile
Damage: Armor-piercing:2d4x10 MD, no blast radius
Rate of Fire:Volleys of 1-3
Payload: 3
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost: 100,000 credits, 18,000 credits per missile

e) Chemical Spray Tank--- Can hold and dispense 50 gallons of chemicals into the water, such as emolients(for capturing oil spills), dyes, repellents, or poisons(such as gill-clog agents).

3) Flare/Chaff Launchers(x2)---Mounted on either side of the ‘stack’ are two mortar-clusters for firing flares or counter-measure bundles.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 12 per launcher
Cost: 3,000 credits per launcher; additional flare/chaff bundles cost 200 credits each

4) Ram Prow---The prow is reinforced and the co*ckpits buffered for ramming; does 3d6 MD on a high speed(in excess of 25 MPH) ram.

*Lance Scanner--- The Lance Scanner contains a magnetometer() and a short-range microwave radar for groundsearching minefields(in theory, the ground radar sound be able to detect even non-metallic mines, but takes twice as long).
Range: The magnetometer has a range of 4,000 ft and can detect vehicles and other metallic structures with 80% accuracy. It can detect powered-up rail guns and EM containment fields(such as fusion generator) at TWICE that range.
The ground radar has a range of 3,000 ft, and has a 90% chance of detecting metal-cased mines, 60% chance of detecting non-metallic ordnance.
Cost: 40,000 credits

* Aura Scanner---For detecting and identifying PPE concentrations
Range: 2,000 ft
Cost: 35,000 credits

*Bio-Scanner---Has a molecular analyzer, enhanced radiation detector, high-powered acoustic ‘shotgun mike’(3,000 ft range), and thermo-imager optics.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Smoke Screen Generator---Generates a thick, obscuring cloud of dense smoke. Each blast covers a 100 ft area and anyone caught in the cloud of thick, obscuring smoke is -5 to strike, dodge, parry, disarm and entangle. Has enough smoke-matrix for 12 clouds.
Cost: 10,000 credits

*Magic Smoke(available only to TW powerplant versions)
*Smoke/Fog-----Cove’s a 1,000 ft radius in thick fog that lasts 50 minutes or until dispelled. Costs 5 PPE
Cost: 17,000 credits

*TW Enhancements---TW-powered versions can benefit from the full range of TW enhancements, powered from the powerplant’s PPE accumulator/battery. PS offers a discount of 10% on TW enhancements on a TW-powered vehicle.

Already there’s been some experimentation with alternate configurations, such as replacing the rear weapons turret with a launch box for multiple drones(such as 24 ‘Switcheblade’ missiles), and refitting the rear co*ckpit into a drone control chair. Other variants are sure to follow.

Paladin Steel Storefront - Page 126 (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.