1. Bloodsauce Dungeon | Pizza Tower Wiki - Fandom
Bloodsauce Dungeon is the fourth level in Pizza Tower and the fourth level of the Tower Lobby. The level is an almost entirely vertical, bone-filled dungeon ...
Bloodsauce Dungeon is the fourth level in Pizza Tower and the fourth level of the Tower Lobby. The level is an almost entirely vertical, bone-filled dungeon, with different layers the deeper you go. The level's titlecard shows Peppino and Gustavo, the former in a viking-like outfit while holding an axe while the latter is wearing more typical knight armor while holding a torch, in a dimly lit section of the dungeon, stalked by a menacing-looking Pencer and Cheeseslime inside of a giant skull. Fl
2. Pizza Tower - Bloodsauce Dungeon - P rank (Noise) - BitChute
Pizza Tower - Bloodsauce Dungeon - P rank (Noise) 3 out 3 chef tasks.
Pizza Tower - Bloodsauce Dungeon - P rank (Noise) 3 out 3 chef tasks
3. Pizza Tower 'P Rank' (Bloodsauce Dungeon)! - cohost!
Apr 27, 2023 · Pizza Tower 'P Rank' (Bloodsauce Dungeon)! ... You must log in to comment. Pinned Tags.
https://youtu.be/HwXgKBGWMP0 [https://youtu.be/HwXgKBGWMP0]
4. HOW DO I P RANK BLOODSAUCE | Fandom - Pizza Tower Wiki
May 29, 2023 · I've been trying to p rank bloodsauce and nearly ... Bloodsauce Dungeon. 1. 8. 1. Sunki2's avatar ... Now i have all of floor 1 p ranked :))))). 0.
I've been trying to p rank bloodsauce and nearly…
5. Pizza Tower - P Ranks - YouTube
Mar 8, 2024 · Pizza Tower - John Gutter P Rank · Pizza Tower - Pizzascape P Rank · Pizza Tower - Ancient Cheese P Rank · Pizza Tower - Bloodsauce Dungeon P Rank.
Feb 22, 2023 · This video features all levels from the Tower Lobby: John Gutter, Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizzascape, and Ancient Cheese. Below are the timestamps ...
This video consists of my Pizza Tower P Rank runs for World 1. I track down all the Pizza Tower secrets, find all toppings and doors, and activate the lap 2 portal all while keeping one combo througho
7. Ranks - Pizza Tower Wiki
The P-rank is unique, as it is the only rank in the game which depends on factors other than the Pizza Points collected throughout a level. In boss stages, it's ...
Ranks are a central gameplay mechanic in Pizza Tower. Upon successful completion of a stage, the player is awarded a rank based on their overall performance in...
8. Score and Ranks - Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki
Nov 13, 2023 · S-Rank Score Requirements. Level Name, Score. John Gutter, 16,000. Pizzascape, 20,000. Ancient Cheese, 17,000. Bloodsauce Dungeon, 18,500.
Your score is displayed at the top-left corner of the screen, and it increases whenever you collect pickups and kill enemies. Score is the only thing that affects your rank, up to S-rank, which makes it of crucial importance in the 100% and 101% categories.
9. [PIZZA TOWER] Bloodsauce Dungeon - P-Rank - cohost!
Feb 19, 2023 · [PIZZA TOWER] Bloodsauce Dungeon - P-Rank ... Very cruel of the devs to put a normal platformer stage in the middle of their speedrunning level.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY58fUqoKA0 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY58fUqoKA0] Very cruel of the devs to put a normal platformer stage in the middle of their speedrunning level.